Savings & Club Accounts
The sky is the limit. No matter the size of your savings goals or unexpected expenses that may arise, we have the versatile account to help you build your way toward success.
Savings & Club Accounts
The sky is the limit. No matter the size of your savings goals or unexpected expenses that may arise, we have the versatile account to help you build your way toward success.
Savings Rate
*Effective as of 12/30/2024
Amount | Interest Rate | APY* | Compounded |
Savings ($50 or More) | 0.15% | 0.15% | Quarterly |
Club Savings | 0.15% | 0.15% | Simple Interest |
What's a Club Account?
Save for a special occasion by setting aside money and adding to it for a certain period of time.
Use your club account at different times of the year. Prepare for back-to-school expenses in July, get ready for Christmas shopping in October, look forward to Summer fun in March, or plan your escape from the cold in January.
Additional Features